Tuesday 1 October 2013

Run for one million trees


AN early morning run is usually good for health.

It’s close to having a breakfast of Vitamin D concoction straight from the early risen sun.

And if you are running for something noble – say, a cause – well, that’s something else.

And if the sprint is aimed at growing more trees to green the environs, you’re a hero.

Which you would be if you run on Sunday, October 6, to push the Mambulao government’s bid to grow some one million trees in the next three years.

This gig is unusually fun, as it is to be done on the eve of the town fiesta in honor of the Nuestra Senora del Rosario, the town’s patron saint.

This mass, fun-run aims to raise funds for the local government’s tree planting program.

And to create awareness on the need to be healthy and to have a vibrant, green environment.

Initially, the start off will be in front of the town hall, then racing around the town proper and drumbeating the need for more trees around us while passing by roadside onlookers.

That is, by actually joining the tree-planting activities and if possible, by chipping in some cash to buy seeds, fertilizer, pesticides and other stuff that would support the growing of hundred thousands of young trees at the municipal nursery.

So, for this coming early Sunday gig, put on your favorite sun-shades, signature running shoes and shorts and Ts. And be sure you got a coffee-fueled tummy.

Oh, yes, you also try to find a generous individual who would sponsor your sprint, in which every meter you’ve covered would be matched with a certain amount, good enough to grow at least 1,000 young trees.

The fun-run is spearheaded by the Mambulao government. .

For feedback, email: ahernandez@thenational.com.pg and alfredophernandez@y7mail.com

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