logo of the co-op … going kaput following bickering between members and officers.
effort to form a trading cooperative in Mambulao, CamNorte has slammed into a brick
wall and fallen apart, as shocked members watched its demise, unbelieving that
it could happen so fast.
fledgling Mambulao Multi-Purpose
(MMPC) has of late been buffeted
by bickering between the organizers and the Mambulao-based members of the MMPC
board of directors (BOD), who were elected just recently.

was an initiative of a group of overseas-based Mambulaoans, who comprised
another Facebook group called Mambulao’s On A Roll (MOAR) headed by its Saudi-based
chairman Jessie Lumapag (pictured right).
irritants were spurred by the frequent questioning by Lumapag as to how the
co-op was being conducted towards its registration with the Cooperative
Development Authority (CDA).
a recent BOD meeting, Elsie Dimaunahan
(pictured right),
who is the co-op treasurer and the
group’s prime mover, tendered a verbal resignation.
(pictured right),

said she could no longer cope with the demands of the role she was playing to
be able to smoothen the sailing of the co-op towards its eventual CDA list-up.
had also complained to the board about the growing pressure she was getting, allegedly
from Lumapag.
said that it had become difficult for her to juggle her time between working on
the co-op’s documentation required before it could be registered and frequently
updating Lumapag and his group on what was happening.
the BOD rejected her resignation.
the directors quickly decided to change on-the-spot the name of the co-op from
Mambulao Multi-Purpose Cooperative (MMPC) to Jose Panganiban Multi-Purpose
Cooperative (JPMPC).
board said it was the best way to ward off the alleged Lumapag’s meddling on
their job as co-op officers.
the co-op’s name now changed to Jose Panganiban Multi-Purpose Cooperative,
Lumapag has no more right to interfere and dictate on the board how it should
do its job,” said Dimaunahan in her post, quoting the board officers.
Mambulao Multi-Purpose Cooperative (MMPC) is officially dead,” a member close
to the board told MWBuzz.
of this writing, the co-op was now preparing another set of documents to get
registered under its new name JPMPC.
a recent Facebook posting on the Facebook account of MMPC, Dimaunahan said she
has completed the articles of incorporation and that there was no problem with
regards to money.
said the funds raised have actually exceeded the required amount of
incorporators’ contributions for the authorized capitalization of P5 million.
kulang na lang po ay ang pirma ng two-thirds of local members alongside the
adoption of by-laws.”
another posting, she had advised the overseas members that they have an option
to stay with the newly-named co-op (JP-MCP) and keep their contributions to its
capital build-up effort.
other option is for them to resign and withdraw their money.
also said that maybe, the overseas former members could form another cooperative
under the name MMPC using their contributions, which are still intact with the
bank account of MMPC.
who serves as the conduit of information between the overseas Mambulaoans and
the cooperative, has been updating overseas members almost daily on the
activities of the co-op.
stress she was having from this daily chores has subsequently forced her to
give up.
job has deprived me of my time with my family.”
in a posting on the co-op’s Facebook account, denied the board’s complaints
that he was dictating on the officers on how to handle the affairs of the
cooperative, particularly with regards to the use of the money, which has now
grown to P317,930.18 as of November 6, aside from a “cash on hand” of P744.
was reacting to a proposed cash flow to initially kick off the co-op operation
by January, which he felt would quickly drain out the co-op funds.
proposed, the co-op’s initial spending that would amount to P233,460 and to come
from the co-op’s outstanding funds of P317,930, would cover the following:
expense covering staff salaries/allowances – P192,000; monthly overhead (stall
rental, water, electricity, office supplies, communication, meal expenses,
others – P27,660; and capital outlay (office fixtures, facilities, equipment) –
had asked the BOD through Dimaunahan to look for other means to compensate the
people who would work for the cooperative, so that the outstanding funds would
not be used up in so short a time.
the moment, the co-op under its name MMPC has 92 pioneer cooperators, with 74
locally-based and 18 overseas, who are mostly workers.
Mambulao-based members are led by Mayor Ricarte “Dong” Padilla.
this developed, Lumapag quit his co-op membership and withdrew his
told the co-op through a recent posting that the three members of his family
were also leaving the group and were pulling out their contributions.
also told Dimaunahan to keep his group’s contributions intact, meaning it
should not be used as part of the required capitalization that the newly-named
co-op JP-MPC would submit to CDA as a registration requirement.
the co-op’s overseas members were watching closely and waiting for clues
whether to continue supporting the new co-op that was going to be registered
under a new name: JP-MPC.
have expressed concerns over their contributions, which they said were poured
into the co-op as investment for the future of their families.
have reacted, saying that the ongoing quarrel over how the co-op is to be
handled has brought to the surface an old stigma that usually put a cooperative
enterprise in bad light.
namang ganyan sa kooperatiba … awayan nang awayan ang mga miyembro …(it’s
always like in a cooperative…. members are always quarreling over issues),” one
overseas observer said in a private message.
co-op was formed by Mambulaoans On A Roll (MOAR) group to create an investment
opportunity for Mambulaoans in town and overseas and to provide jobs for the
less-privileged members of the community.
co-op is initially looking at trading consumer goods and eventually spins off
to other ventures that would generate more revenues and deliver dividends to
its investors.
new co-op under the name JP-MCP now awaiting registration with CDA hopes to
start business operations this January, according to Dimaunahan in an earlier
posting update.
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